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Join date : 2024-08-13

Yosefu Demsky Empty Yosefu Demsky

Wed Aug 14, 2024 2:09 am
Character Name: Yosefu Demsky
Requested Feature: Becoming a Sorcerer of the Psychic type (4 into psychokinesis, 1 into invisibility).

Requested background: 1 Ally of moderate power (AKA a partner-in-crime/friend he works with) (1 BG Point), 2 Contacts (2 BG Point), A Level Firearms Permit (1 BG Point), Arsenal (1 BG point),

Requested Weapon: a custom Balisong (works the same as a combat knife, the "Custom" part is mainly its looks i guess), A blackjack (aka a Sap if i am correct), and finally, a Glock... just a simple glock

Feature Discription: Their psychic Powers have Only manifested/been discovered Recently, he'd likely use his powers for Trickery, Burglary Scamming and more

Background Discription: Demsky got his License Because of what happened some days ago, Realising he Should (for no shit) get a gun in the case this happens again, he filled up the paperwork and got himself a firearm, His two partners-in-crime (and in scamming), afterwards he got himself some contacts, one of them is informational (mainly leaning on the scamming/cheatering/Trickery side, giving Information out to be used to get that good good casharoos), the other's a seller (mainly selling the goods that were able to be stolen)

Item 1 Discription: A balisong (aka butterfly knife) with custom Black Pearl Handles (with engravings of gambling & Luck) and a Coat of gold over the metalic parts (The blade, the parts of the handles that arent pearls, etc):

Difficulty: 4
Damage: Strength + 1 / Lethal
Conceal: Pocket
Durability: 3
Structure: 4

Item 2 Discription: The blackjack has gambling & luck based engravements onto its Black rubber:

Difficulty: 4
Damage: Strength + 1 / Bashing
Conceal: Pocket
Durability: 3
Structure: 6

Item 3 DIscription: welp, its a Glock alright.... dont know what else to say here:

Damage: 4
Range: 20
Rate: 4
Clip: 17+1
Conceal: Pocket
Durability: 6
Structure: 5

Reasoning to become a psychic: Well I have readed the sorcerer's guidebook and it made me really impressed (in that i loved it), backstory wise Demsky's abilites have only shown themselves Recently (I am planning to do a session with diegopaje or another storyteller about to show this).

Reasoning For Background: For the contacts, well i need a person to sell the stuff i "Liberate" and a informational guy to help plan out on info for the people i gotta scam out their money and the info for the stuff that needs to be stolen (aswell as planning help N such), for my Partner-In-Crime/friend, its for help reasonings and such (for the Storyteller to use as they see fit), and for the firearms, welp, he got a beatdown (in backstory) and that made him realize "...goddamn i really need a firearm for this type of stuff"

Proof Of Cash & Points:
Yosefu Demsky Screen10
Yosefu Demsky Screen11

Demsky's Backstory:

Way Back Then: Born in 1970 in Israel, a boy by the name of Yosefu Demsky was born to a poor (persay) family in a not-so-good part of the country and city, causing him to mainly need to up his talking from a young age; eventually, he evolved from telling the local loan shark that payment's already been paid. To steal from the shark's own money and fool them that it was the payment for the shark, though some years later, when he was 16, he was able to get enough money through... less-than-legal ways (theft, scamming, etc.). He was able to get his family out of the bad part and get them to the better part (not good, not bad, just middle), finally letting them to (somewhat) less think about whether they would starve or not because the shark needs their money. When he became an adult, he traveled to the states with the promise to his family that once he came back, he'd be a millionaire.

To make Dough: 1991, Demsky makes it to the state of opportunities and freedom with one big goal in mind, to make it big in any way or shape possible. For Demsky, though, it was hard to find work that pays well for the promises he made; yes, there were some gigs and such, but the cash from then would be mostly wasted on taxes, essentials, and other things. So, he decided to go back to his good old roots, crime. First, starting in scams and cheatery of unsuspecting fools in a game of poker or blackjack, then evolved to burglary of fine goods and vehicles. Along the way, he has made some good friends (1 Partner-in-crime and 2 contracts willing to give a helping hand on certain things). Life seems to be going on the up-and-up... but it would be lost.

Disaster of luck & Rebirth (semi-present/some days ago): Unfortunately, since Demsky's focus was much changed over the years, yes, some skills may have sharpened after then, and as such, Demsky's good old skills began to dullen, specifically their social skills and good ol' lying, so when he tried his good old tricks against Jerry Afronse (a member of a biker clan/gang) trying to cheat him out of his dollars, Demsky got the Nastiest hit to the head known to mankind, sending him flying out of the chair and to the ground, then the beatdown of his life came in, punch after kick, slam after haymaker... Demsky's mind had enough, something has awakened within demsky; then suddenly, as if it were a miracle, Jerry's men and himself were flinging them off back as if an invisible force made them to, to say everyone was awe struck or confused as hell would be an understatement, fortunately it stunned them long  enough for him and his partner in crime that was there to escape the place... unfortunately, with some major losses (mainly in Cash and Demsky's car, for it was riddled with bullets by members that weren't knocked down).

Present as of writing this, Hiding out of trouble: since Jerry was gunning for Demsky's blood, he decided to take refuge in the town of Blueberry, buying up a room there, and such. Now he is planning on what to do next, mainly to first learn better his new found powers and then to take out the major threat that was Jerry, though the question remains: is Jerry the only threat, or is Jerry just one of the threats in a whole web of threats to come?

(Note: I am sorry if i done anything wrong in this submission, if can be, please tell me what is wrong so i can try and fix it)
(2nd Note: sorry if the english is broken, its my second language)

Last edited by LiozTheSorcerer on Fri Aug 16, 2024 1:36 am; edited 4 times in total
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Posts : 35
Join date : 2023-05-22

Yosefu Demsky Empty Re: Yosefu Demsky

Wed Aug 14, 2024 6:48 pm

Thank you for showing your interest in the Sorcerer M20!

Please update the application with the following: put the stats for the weapons you picked as per this guide. This is for the staff to have a better understanding of the weapons you wish to use.

As soon as you do, I'll ask Lirbo for the total price of the weapons.

I know about the Psychic Phenomena stuff, as I have guided you on discord in regard to it. So I believe that I should give you a chance to play out your concept.
The pieces align. The game unfolds.
Posts : 35
Join date : 2023-05-22

Yosefu Demsky Empty Re: Yosefu Demsky

Wed Aug 14, 2024 7:19 pm
Thank you very much for the edits!

I have informed Lirbo and he should provide the total cost of the items.
The game begins. A pawn is moved.
Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-08-13

Yosefu Demsky Empty Updated

Wed Aug 14, 2024 11:26 pm
I have Updated the stuff u asked me to update mr.death
The game begins. A pawn is moved.
Posts : 4
Join date : 2024-08-13

Yosefu Demsky Empty Re: Yosefu Demsky

Fri Aug 16, 2024 1:37 am
Updated some more
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